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❏ 1 Blazer
❏ 1 Tie (High School/ Middle School)
❏ 1 Tie (House Colour)
❏ 2-3 White Shirts
❏ 2-3 Polo Shirts Short Sleeve
❏ 2-3 Polo Shirts Long Sleeve
❏ 1-2 Sweaters
❏ 1-2 Vests
❏ Boys: 2-3 Trousers; 1 Pair of Shorts
❏ Girls: 2-3 Trousers; 1-2 Pinafores
❏ Girls: 1-2 Skirts
❏ 5 Pairs Socks
❏ 2-3 Tights
❏ Name Labels
Sports Kit |
❏ 1 Phys Ed Pants
❏ 1-2 Phys Ed Shorts
❏ 1-2 Phys Ed T-Shirts
❏ 2-3 Pairs white sock
House Teamwear |
❏ 1 House T-Shirt
❏ 1 House Sweatshirt
❏ 1 House Hoodie